Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Meanwhile, back at the ranch

Today's rehersal went much better. We started with the second act to make certain we finished it. We actually held together relativley well, considering the low frequency of rehersal opportunities we have had. I really enjoyed myself at certain points and I'm sure the preformance will be a great sucess.....welll, at least the final performance will be.
I had one class today, "Philosophy of Religion", I enjoy the prof. and expect to have a great learning experience there. The books aren't in, which is fine with me, but once we do get them there will be quite a bit of reading to do. I ordered one of them online. Hopefully it will come soon.
I haven't had much time to just relax. I really hope I can take some down time tomorrow; I'm running at full pace and don't know how long I can hold out. Oh well, this is how it is getting back into the routine of the semester, especially the spring semester.

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