Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I had a strizzoke in my brizzain

So it's been a while since my last post. Some of that is due to me being busy, but could have definetly done a few were it not for laziness. Oh well, on with the post....

I had a great time practicing today. I covered a lot of material and took care of some problems in my music. the best part was, however, the fact that I still feel like I could practice more. I didn't get bored like I usually do!

I have test in Mordern Alchemy tomorrow (actually today because it's past midnight). Hopefully
I'll do well dispite my apparent lack of studying. I think it should be easy.

Lot's to get done before tour. That will throw a nice curve at me since i'll be missing four days of classes.

that's all for now

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