Friday, September 08, 2006

Listening for the sake of attention

Ever notice when people don't really care about what you have to say? I'm frankly getting sick speaking to people only to have them come back with something else loosely related or, sometimes, not even related at all. You can tell they don't care enough to really listen. They only care enough to hold your attention long enough so you will listen to them. Of course, I only notice this becuase I was doing the same thing, but that doesn't make it right. We should care about what others are saying and respond appropriatley which might just be with more listening. No one cares to be an ear for others becuase it isn't in their personal interest. We just want a little attention from others to acknowledge that we are worth something.
I'd like to say that I get all of my affirmation from the LORD but I know that's just not true. I'll use others as an object to talk at intsead of really talking with them and engaging in conversation; just like the people that I'm noticing. Perhaps we should all work on doing a little conversation, sharing with others in an equal exchange. Really, that's exactly what good jazz is; a conversation between a group of musicians. One guy might be dominating the conversation but they are all working towards one goal. The expression of life collaboratively arrived at by a group of people who are experiencing it together.

Just my thoughts, now go have a conversation.

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