Friday, June 16, 2006

A time in Germany

Here is something I wrote in my tour book:
Seeing the amazing arcitechture (sp?) of Germany and Austria was incredible. Some of the cathedrals and fortresses have shown me the incredible creative power that God has given his people. At the same time, I see man's detructive power; WWII destroyed much of the historical arcitecture and, though some has been restored, a large piece of our history has been lost due to violence.
I find it hard to understand and deal with things like destroyed arcitecture and, even more so, the loss of innocent life such as what we saw in Dachau, Walking through the incinerators and the gas chamber and seeing pictures of literal piles of bodies changes a person. Its hard to believe that people whould do something so horrific; did these people deserve their pitiful fate? Where is God in all of this? Is man so depreaved that we cannot do otherwise? Did Hitler feel remorse? Yet I know God is here and working because of a bus that loses its top gear and miraclulously begins to work again after prayer, firends that appreciate me, and the natural beauty of the Alps. It makes me long for an end to our present condition.

1 comment:

Nathan Monroe said...

It's encouraging to read such a thought provoking post. It made me consider times I felt God was not present in my life, and then realizing that He has been there all along, just I failed to see His hand in things up to that particular point in my life when I noticed His presence.