Monday, January 31, 2005

Pack yourself a sack lunch!

Today was the first day of classes. I had three music classes back to back and a chemistry course in the morning. I found each class to be fun and I will enjoy learning all the new things associated with them but there's a lot of work to do. I also just recieved my syllabus by e-mail for my Philosophy of religion course. That is going to require much reading and contemplating; time I'll have to make if I want to mantain my precious GPA. This may be the hardest semester to date but I'm ready for the challenge.

We had rehersal today for Steel Pier from 6:40-11:00 p.m. That rehersal seemed like it would never end. it was necessary for us to do becuase we have many problems that need to be adressed yet synching up the music and text. I saw some things I was not happy with however. I probably would have done the same thing, but Dr. T really showed his frustration and got mad at the orchestra when the problem was all of the cut we had to follow and the fact rehersal was so long. We can't concetrate that long! When a director shows dissapointment all of the musicians tend to shut down. I was trying my best and it was rejected as not good enough. that's something I'll have to work on as a music teacher. You must maintain a positive environment; never take the mistakes of the few out on the whole. Oh well, we are all human and I know Dr. T appreciates our hard work.

Till next time

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Approximatley 1 dollar per hour

Tomorrow is the first day of spring classes. I'm ready to start getting into a routine again. It's easier to practice when your day is mapped out for you. It seems the less time I have the more I can make for practicing. My classes should be good, but hopefully I won't do poorly in the classes. It's easy to do poorly in the spring, I just don't feel like working.

We'll it's almost time to go to vespers. I actually feel really good about going becuase I'm not going to try to recieve anything or give anything. I have nothing to give and I can't expect anything if i don't give. I'll simply go and worship God by offering the only thing I do have; Him. He really deserves all glory and honor.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Another Time, Another Place

I tried to give plasma today. Three questions from the needle they asked me if I have ever used growth hormone or gonadotropin. I had to leave and get a note from a doctor who tranferred to West Virginia. I hope I can give eventually. I could use the money and I would like to try the experience.

Doug came to school today. I'm excited that he's here; hopefully he'll find his niche. Maybe it'll include me, maybe not. Either way I gald he's come here.

Time to go to bed. I should use my interim break time more wisely.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

why is it "an historic?"

Only one more day of observation. I've had a good time watching teachers, but I'm ready to sleep in for a change. I'm excited to teach. I've enjoyed class; learning classroom management, lesson planning and the like. For my free reading I'm reading "Teaching music through performance in band". It's a great book and valuable resource once I start teaching. I've already learned a lot from it and I've only just begun to read it. It's full of great insights on many aspects of running a band and being a band director.

I've got Steel Pier rehearsal tonight. It's good to play and get experience, but I'm alrerady wating for it to be done. I have so many responsibilities.

This weekend is interim beak and I might do a few things. For the most part, however, I'm just going to relax. Time to do some reflection and contemplating. I have many things to think about. A number of things weigh heavily on my mind, but I won't talk about them here. I probably will not talk about all of them to anyone. I have some personal thoughts to sift through and some focus I need to redirect on God instead of myself. Self-pity is never the answer; it's just another form of selfishness.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

2 Samuel 22:33

Wow! God can do incedible things in our lives even when we aren't trying to follow him. He convicted me today and I went to my knees. There I found love and grace. the 2 Samuel passage says that strength and prefection come from God. We don't have to worry! Following God's precepts should actually be an outpouring of our love for God. Stop trying to force perfection on yourself! He supplies the strength and the perfection we need. When we fail it's not the end. God has stepped into my life and has invigorated me spiritually. Scripture is once again fertile with wisdom, not some ancient text that's boring. He put this love in my heart!

I am completely overcome with joy. I want everyone to experience God as I have, and I desire to experinece more. I've been filled to overflowing but am still hungry for more! It's amazing how this can happen.

I know the last few posts have been depressing. I have focused on my shortcomings instead of on the grace of God. I apologize and pray that you won't make the same mistake. Self-pity is just another form of selfishness, a sin we all must guard against.

Stay strong in the Lord!

Friday, January 21, 2005

When Black Friday Comes

I enjoy listening to a wide range of music. My taste really depends on my mood and what day it is. I do, however, usually listen to jazz, but I also like classic rock and classical music. The title for this blog is from a Steely Dan song. You should all listen to it; Steely Dan is a great band.

Moving along, I didn't wake up for observation this morning. I was extremely tired from rehersals last night (I went non-stop from 5:300 until 12:30). I'm not too worried about the consequences, but I enjoy being there and I might have had a chance to do something in one of the classes today. That means I missed an opportunity for growth. Oh well.

I'm really excited to play jazz again. I may be playing with a classmate of mine and a wonderful professor who wants to learn how to play some jazz. He's the epitome of the term life-time-learner. He is still going to classes in between his classes and practicing schedule. On top of that he wants to learn this new style of playing. He's mainly a classically trained pinaist, but he has an open mind that will hopefull help him learn quickly.

Personally, I feel as if my jazz chops have not been improving much. I have made leaps in overall bass playing, especially intonation. However, my soloing is not improving much and my bass lines are the same thing I have played since 10th grade. I'd like to start playing more and hopefully finding that love for playing jazz again. I often get frustrated becuase I've hit a wall and can't seem to break through it. It will happen eventually, but until then I'm extremely frustrated.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

What is a salmon jump suit anyway?

Today was a good day of observation. I was able to lead a sectional with the 9th grade trombone players. They were not as bad as I had anticipated but they still don't seem w as if the middle school in the district is doing a good job of training young musicians. I made one horrible error that I realized immediatley. I neglected the trombones that didn't play as well. I tried to adress them ass a group, but it came out as adressing the two better player I think. I tried to tell them the importance of practicing and air and posture but I'm guessing it didn't get through. I remember I didn't care in High School.
I finished my portfolio (at least what I need to do for thins course). It feels good to get it done, especially since it's the last big thing for the course this J term. We are almost done; I can't wait to start my other courses. Yet, it's going to be hard getting back to the old schedule, including doing homework for a number of courses insteadd of one intensive class.

I hope I'm up for the challenge.......

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Hoedown at the Landfill Planetarium

Obserivng at Spring Lake Park High in the morning yielded few new insights. After an extended period of time you find that, without guidace, there is only so much you can learn from pure observation. I'm supposed to lead a sectional soon. that should give some good chances to learn new things. Later, I went to class. We presented our papers and talked about the "sabretooth curriculum". Well, I'm pretty busy right now. I just wanted to record somet things . No new reflections today. umm........

The End

Monday, January 17, 2005

Hilarity Insues

I always do things like this. I get into something for a while (often focusing on in especiall the first day) but I eventually forget about it. I tried a xanga weblog once, but forgot about it after 5 posts. I'd rather not do that this time.

Anyway, I always get ina refletive mood when I'm bored. I realize that I'm not living up to my potential and that I have fallen off the beaten path. I'd like to say I'm a Christian, but I'm not sure it's true. I certainly don't read the bible often enough and I'm constantly repeating the same sin patterns. I can't seem to escape for the same pattern and I never serve others, especially those I don't know. My relationship goes in spurts. One day I'll be "on fire for God" then the next day I'll completely ingore Him. I look for a feeling and when I don't get It I quit. Well, there's still this mundane life to live. Maybe I'll get it eventually. I'll get sick of this runaround and hunker down to a life devoted to Christ. But until then I'll just reflect and develop a deeper sense of inner despair (a little dark for you?)
The scary thing to think is that the majority of "Christians" do the same thing but aren't conscious of it. We sit around and parade around as christians, all the time marring the name of the one we say we believe in. Christians should be different than everyone else. Instead we hide within the ranks of our peers never to burst out. Sure, sometime we revert to Gurellia warfare, bu that's not enough. We need world trasformation now.

This is the part where I say "Oh well" and reverty back to my old habits.

Damn it!
Pardon my French

The first day of the rest of your life

So today was decent as far as days go. I wrote a paper on merit-pay and teachers. It took most of the day so I didn't have much free time, but that's ok. I listened to quite a bit of jazz. Right now I'm listening to Branford Marsalis. The CD is great for now, but I'll probably change it soon. I went to a Happy Apple show on Saturday. It was the worst concert I have ever been to. I really don't understand their music. I may someday, but for now it sounds like garbage to me. I find my taste in music is far different from everyone else's (not a bad thing). I suppose that being different is good, as long as it's not for the sake of being different. Like the music you enjoy, don't bend to the will of others. Often I see people like music that is different because they aren't identified with the crowd. I guess we all do that in some aspect. We all want to fit in and belong, but we don't want to belong with the wrong people. Those people we frown upon fom our high tower. Well, enough ranting. I'm done for now.